
big tongue Learn more about big tongue

  • When raising meat ducks, what medicine should be used to get a big tongue disease? When will you be vaccinated?

    When raising meat ducks, what medicine should be used to get a big tongue disease? When will you be vaccinated?

    In recent years, the meat and duck world is not peaceful, with the continuous expansion of large-scale feeding, duck disease is also being renovated with upgrading, from the initial duck spleen necrosis to jumping disease to the recent duck big tongue disease, which gives many farmers a headache, so meat duck big tongue disease should be used.

    2020-11-11 Meat duck breeding suffering from big tongue disease what medicine is good
  • Huilan's "head shape eight methods" and "five doors and eight styles"


    The "five-door eight-style" shape of the cymbidium is a summary of the valuable experience of the predecessors in selecting the best species according to the shape of the small bud of the cymbidium, and it is a priceless treasure left to us by the Yilan ancestors. "five doors and eight styles" spreads all over the world, has a far-reaching influence in the circle, and is a permanent topic that orchid friends often talk about. However, due to the versatility of previous writings.

  • The distinction between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid

    The distinction between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid

    The big leaf cold orchid and the fine leaf cold orchid in Yifeng Orchid Garden are not distinguished by the length and width of the leaves (that is to say, there are small leaves in the big leaves, and tall plants also appear in the fine leaves). It is distinguished by whether the petals (especially the holding petals) have a covering wheel, whether the background color of the tongue petal is white, and whether the orchid root is stout.

  • Appreciation standard of Guolan Zhonggong Palace

    Appreciation standard of Guolan Zhonggong Palace

    Guolan Zhonggong Palace appreciation standard nest, that is, the Zhonggong Palace, especially refers to the overall structure of the flap and nose. The Central Palace is an important part of the national orchid appreciation. To the middle palace knot round, that is, holding the flap and tongue flap to form an approximate circular pattern for the United States, requires five lobes to divide the nest.

  • Brief details of appreciation of Han Orchid

    Brief details of appreciation of Han Orchid

    Spring Jian Dian he 19th China (Wenjiang) Lanbo Gold Award is the only rare good variety in Sichuan Spring Jian Lotus petal that does not mix with other Spring Jian Lotus petals. The leaf surface of this grass has very obvious characteristics of the dragon head. When the foil is high, it can grow to more than 50 centimeters high. The flower color is also very gorgeous, and the petals are shaped like lotus petals. ...

  • Basic theory of tongue-shaped national orchid

    Basic theory of tongue-shaped national orchid

    Chinese orchids have the following common tongue shapes: 1. The lower part of the bangs tongue-shaped piece is very similar to the front bangs in the lady's hairstyle. Most of this kind of tongue is equipped with plum-shaped daffodils. 2. The large round tongue is short, round and wide, and the width of the tongue flap is equal to or larger than the middle palace diameter. Large round tongue is generally matched with flower art with petals. 3. Ruyi tongue has big tongue and small tongue. ...

  • The difference between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid (picture and text)

    The difference between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid (picture and text)

    Generally speaking, cold orchid refers to winter flowering winter cold orchid, its florescence is mostly concentrated in mid-late October to December, according to its different characteristics is divided into big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid, the following talk about the difference between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid. ...

  • What kind of tea does Jintan sparrow tongue belong to?

    What kind of tea does Jintan sparrow tongue belong to?

    China is a big tea country, and many people like to drink tea. Different regions will produce different kinds of tea. There is a kind of tea in Jiangsu called Jintan sparrow tongue. What kind of tea does it belong to? First, what kind of tea does Jintan sparrow tongue belong to? Jintan sparrow tongue belongs to green tea, which gets its name because it looks like sparrow tongue. Produced in the river

    2020-11-09 Jintan Finch tongue belong to what tea I the country big country
  • Wang Zi Chunlan

    Wang Zi Chunlan

    During the reign of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty, he was selected by Wang Keming in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province. The leaf posture is strong upright, the leaf quality is thick and hard, the leaf quality is thin and narrow, the leaf tip is acute. The leaves are dark green and dull. The new bud is purplish green. The shell is green with purple sesame tendons. Scape slender, ca. 25 cm tall. The flower is daffodils petal type, with three outer petals with round head, root, tight edge, waxy.

  • About Han Lan

    About Han Lan

    Jian Lan Cui'e, descended from the mountain in 2006, the flower diameter is about 4cm, a new variety.

  • The History and Review of Chunlan Suxin

    The History and Review of Chunlan Suxin

    1. Wen Tuansu, petal shape: petal history: please Daoguang years selected by Suzhou Zhou Wen Duan, also known as Zhou Wen Duan Su. Features: outer three-petal long and wide root angle, scissors hold, big bangs tongue, petal thick, color emerald green, pure. Bracts light green, leaves semi-drooping, glossy. 2. Cangyan, petal type: petal history: please Guang Xu front butterfly.

  • Freshman and Cheng Mei

    Freshman and Cheng Mei

    The picture of Cheng Mei hopes that both Cheng Mei and Cheng Mei have been cultivated for more than 200 years. As early as the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, Cheng Mei was selected by a doctor surnamed Cheng in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. Cheng Mei was regarded as a treasure of Huilan by the art and orchid circles. The "birth" of freshman goods is a little later than Cheng Mei.

  • Appreciation terminology

    Appreciation terminology

    Appreciation terminology

  • Chunlan is rich and noble.

    Chunlan is rich and noble.

    Chunlan "Da Fu Gui" is also known as "Zheng Tonghe" and "Tuan he". Selected in Shanghai Flower Kiln in 1909, Zheng Tongmei in Shuanglin in Huzhou and Wu Chunbai in Hangzhou respectively. There are different opinions about whether "Zheng Tonghe" and "Da Fu Gui" are the same or two kinds. According to the physical observation, it should be compatriots and sisters in the same year. It may be the same place of origin.

  • Green Magnolia

    Green Magnolia

    Luying was selected by Gu Xiangxiao in Suzhou in 1902. The leaves are semi-drooping, thick and shiny. Scape tall, almost flush with leaves, turquoise. The flower is a daffodil-shaped plum petal with a stick heart petal from the pocket, slightly opened, the lip is short, as big as the tongue, and there are red spots in the middle. The new bud is purple-green, with purple red halo and red silk on the bud tip. The quality of the leaves.

  • Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • Freshman Cymbidium

    Freshman Cymbidium

    Petal type: green shell big lotus-shaped daffodil petal. Because of its outstanding temperament, it is named Da Yi Pin. Found in Fuyang Mountain, Zhejiang Province. According to the outline of Lan Yan, Hu Shaomei was elected by Hu Shaomei in Jiashan, Zhejiang Province during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, and Hu Shaomei in the early years of Jiaqing according to the Lan Hui Tongxin Records. Features: five-petal nest, emerald green.

  • Introduction to the main valuable varieties of Orchid (Cymbidium)

    Introduction to the main valuable varieties of Orchid (Cymbidium)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • Red crotch Cui sleeve shows Huiyuan-graphic meta-characters

    Red crotch Cui sleeve shows Huiyuan-graphic meta-characters

    Red crotch Cui sleeve shows Huiyuan-illustration of meta characters.

  • Lijiang star lotus (golden yuan big lotus) lotus petal

    Lijiang star lotus (golden yuan big lotus) lotus petal

    Lotus petal, hemp shell flower, outer petal round, root angle, tight edge, side petal falling shoulder, clam shell holding, mouth open, tongue large round tongue, gradually rolled back with opening time, there are bright red spots on it. The variety won two bronze awards. (orchid Branch of China Flower Association, Yunnan Science and Technology Publishing House)
